Shadows and Light🌹

The issue I am addressing today is one that many men will be judged for: standing up for women's rights. People often try to reduce your intentions to a self-serving agenda, claiming you're doing it for attention or to gain something in return. But here's the thing: I couldn't care less what they think. I don't give a fuck about their opinions, and the more they try to silence me, the louder I become.

We need to speak up because gender equity matters. All of our voices carry power, and staying quiet to avoid criticism only worsens the problem. Today's piece reflects on why equity, not equality, is what we need to create a better world, especially in spaces like Web3 where women are still far too neglected. I give the example of Web3 particularly because I've seen the biggest discrepancy within this space. However, the lack of equity goes beyond and applies to our industries and day-to-day life as well.

Equality has become a word thrown around constantly. Governments, corporations, movements, and other entities tout equality as the goal. But what is equality, really? Does it mean something? I believe that on its own, equality means nothing. It's simply an ideal that assumes we all start from the same place, and that everyone's path is the same. But is it?

Let's look at it this way: if you give two people the same resources, but one person is miles ahead while the other has been held back by systemic barriers, are they truly equal? In theory, yes, they have the same opportunities, but in practice? No. This is exactly why equality falls short – it doesn't address the differences in circumstances, power dynamics, or lived experiences. It fails to account for historical disadvantages that continue to hold women back, especially in male-dominated spaces like Web3 (or tech in general).

Web3, in my eyes, is the future. And not simply from a technological perspective (decentralized, open, innovative), but from a humanitarian one. The ethos of Web3 is akin to streetwear: it's about giving power back to the people. It's about making people's voices heard, regardless of who they are or where they're coming from. Web3's core is about people – all people. And yet, despite its ethos, which sadly has been overshadowed by other desires, we can see how women are sidelined.

I know that tech is a space where male voices dominate, and I believe this happens not because of talent or interest, but because of a long history of gatekeeping. This imbalance can't be addressed with equality alone because if you ask Web3 leaders, they'll say there's a lot of equality in the space. But is there? What we truly need is equity.

Equity is about recognizing that people have different needs, experiences, and starting points. Instead of offering the same thing to everyone, equity provides each person with the support they specifically need to succeed. Equity levels the playing field by addressing historical imbalances and structural barriers.

When it comes to the imbalance between men and women, equity means recognizing that women face challenges and obstacles that men often don't. Gender bias in hiring, harassment in online spaces, and lack of representation in leadership roles are just a few of the challenges that women face. Web3 is the decentralized promise of democratization, but isn't this promise lost if we don't create structures that actively support women in entering, thriving, and leading within the space?

This isn't about giving women special treatment; it's about correcting centuries of imbalances. Women, like men, bring unique strengths to the table. We need women's voices as much as we need men's. Think about the dance of light and dark: neither has meaning without the other. Light is not superior to dark, and dark is not inferior to light. Both play their own role and when they come together, they create harmony. Men and women are the same; we are meant to complement and empower each other, not compete for false supremacy.

Whether people want it or not, Web3 is here and will be with us for a long time. It is the next evolution of the internet. But can it truly be called evolution if we keep carrying the same old biases from the Web2 world? Women still face significant barriers in tech, finance, and blockchain – all three sectors that dominate the Web3 ecosystem. Despite promoting a decentralized future, the decision-makers and influencers in this space are still overwhelmingly male.

If we truly want to build a more decentralized and democratized future, we must be intentional about equity. This means creating platforms that amplify women's voices, encouraging diverse leadership in projects, and ensuring that women have access to the same opportunities as men do.

We need to offer women more visibility. We need to start creating conditions where women are not just participating but leading, innovating, and redefining the future of this space and beyond. Progress has been made since I first joined the space three years ago, but I believe we have more steps to take until we reach the balance we need. Women are starting to be more visible and heard, but there is still some way to go.

I know from my own experience that standing up for equity as a man comes with criticism. People always question your motives, accuse you of virtue signaling, or assume you're looking for personal gain. But to every man reading this, I want to say: Fuck the noise. If you believe in a more equitable world, speak up.

As men, we have an important role in this fight because we are part of the system that needs changing. The more we stay silent, the more the status quo is perpetuated. We need to use our platforms to advocate for a better future.

If we truly want a better world, we need to shift the conversation from equality to equity. Equality is just a surface-level solution that doesn't address the root of the problem. Equity acknowledges the complex, nuanced challenges that different people face and actively works to balance those scales.

The world has been moving digital for a while. We've been living hybrid lives since the dawn of Instagram and Facebook. We are going to live more digitally than ever, and Web3 is about to be a core part of our digital future. As we move deeper into this digital future, we mustn't build an ecosystem that focuses just on innovation, but also on equity. We need to stop paying lip service to equality and start building a world that values and empowers everyone!

Even though my reflection today, at first glance, focuses only on women, equity is not just their issue – it's a humanity issue. Thus, speak up, stand up, and don't give a fuck about those who try to silence you.

This is a fight for a better world, and it's worth every bit of pushback. And the best part of all of it is that it costs absolutely nothing to improve it. It's your choice!

Humanité Inaltérable

Humanité Inaltérable
Humanité Inaltérable

What Was It All For?

This question lingers in the aftermath of destruction. Wars rage across lands, between nations, among us, and even within ourselves. Yet, after all the fighting, after all the loss— for there is no true victory in war—only one truth remains: it was needed.

Picture yourself in a war-torn landscape. As you walk through the ruins, you see a small child swinging, untouched by the chaos surrounding them—a symbol of the innocence sacrificed in the name of conflict. The closer you approach, the more you hear what its quiet movement through the wreckage asks:

Why do we tear each other down when what we truly seek is to lift one another up? What do we gain from war when everything that matters is already here, waiting to be cherished?

As you ponder these questions, you continue moving through the ruins. Not far away, a silhouette catches your eye; it seems to be reading. You can hardly believe what you see, but as you draw nearer, it becomes undeniably real. Someone sits with a book in hand, finding solace in words while the world crumbles around them. Why? you ask yourself.

Reflecting on this person's behavior, you realize that the simple act of reading—of understanding—becomes a silent protest against destruction. It serves as a reminder that wisdom, peace, and reflection are the true paths to strength, not violence and greed.

Now, you return to your own reality. What you’ve experienced for those few moments is not merely a story of destruction, but a reflection on its futility. In the end, wars, whether waged between countries or within our souls, leave us with nothing but remnants of what could have been. It is these moments of quiet humanity that endure—moments that urge us to ask:

Why fight when what remains is the very thing we sought to protect all along: each other?


Humanité Inaltérable. | Available for collection on Foundation.

Have a fantastic day!🌹


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