Curiosity is a defining trait of mine. From the moment I was born, I've been driven by a desire to question everything I hear or read. I’ve always sought to look beyond the surface, to explore the deeper layers of the things that shape my understanding of the world and myself. This inherent curiosity has been a guiding force in my life, pushing me to uncover aspects of myself I never knew existed.

It has led me to create things that have brought me closer to my dreams and opened doors to opportunities that once seemed out of reach. Through this curiosity, I’ve connected with people from all corners of the globe and, more importantly, formed meaningful friendships with those who were once just names on a screen or individuals I admired from afar.

Ultimately, my curiosity has allowed me to craft a life that is truly mine, rather than one dictated by expectations or preconceived notions. It has been the catalyst for shaping a path that aligns with my true desires, not just what I thought I should follow.

While there are many aspects of my journey driven by curiosity that I could discuss, I want to share one idea that has recently impacted my life in a small way but, I believe, has the potential to transform it entirely over time.

Not long ago, I came across an article about three questions that shape our lives. Intrigued, I sought to delve deeper into these questions to understand their influence on my own journey. Although the author's insights were valuable and resonated with me, I wanted to explore how they specifically affected my path. Despite our shared humanity, each of us is unique, and our perspectives can differ significantly. This realization prompted me to embark on a self-reflective journey, examining my past, present, and future through the lens of these three questions.

Though I am still relatively young (I will always consider myself youthful at heart, but here I refer mainly to my chronological age), I have come to see that these three questions are indeed fundamental to defining our lives. In the following lines, I will share each of these questions and explain why I believe they are pivotal in shaping our existence.

“Where do you live?” is the first element of this trinity. Over the past few years, I've come to appreciate its significance, especially as my current living situation (which I am about to leave) has profoundly impacted me. Our home is a defining aspect of who we are; it has the power to either uplift us or bring us down. Often, we underestimate its impact on our well-being, treating it superficially and allowing fears, such as leaving our families, to shape our perceptions of our living environment.

My own experiences have shown me just how crucial this element is in defining my life. I've observed how my mood fluctuates, how I feel upon returning home after being away, and how my daily life is influenced by my current surroundings. I've struggled to focus on my work and to find contentment in it, hoping to create a sense of home within my endeavors. Yet, I believe that lacking balance and disconnecting from my pursuits has hindered my potential, as my soul has been torn between conflicting states—good and bad, black and white...

After spending some time away, I noticed a profound shift in my mood. New ideas emerged, and I rediscovered things I thought were lost or still out of reach. This experience revealed just how significantly the place I live impacts me. There was never a moment when I longed to return or missed it; it never occupied my thoughts.

Whether we acknowledge it or not, our living environment profoundly influences our lives. It can confine us in an invisible cage or empower us to break free and reach our full potential. Often, it is fear that keeps us trapped within this cage. I encourage everyone to reflect on their own fears, identify their sources, and confront and overcome them...

“Who you are with?” is the second element of this trinity. For me, this question pertains to the person you choose to share your life with—the one you love and have by your side. Unfortunately, I have yet to find someone who truly resonates with me, someone with whom I would want to spend many chapters of my story. Throughout my journey, my experiences have only deepened my longing for the companionship and connection of such a person.

I have often felt lost and without someone to lift me up. The absence of affection from someone you deeply love has made me realize just how crucial this connection is. This reflection has highlighted the importance of the answer to this question and how profoundly it shapes our lives.

Another reflection came through observation. Throughout my journey, I’ve met people of all ages and have closely watched their behavior with their loved ones and how they interact with one another. Hearing various stories with different outcomes made me realize that the person you are with can either uplift you or bring you down.

I've also come to understand that many people recognize when their partner is a source of negativity, yet they remain trapped due to fears and preconceptions. These fears often prevent them from breaking free from their situation. Although I have not yet found the person with whom I would like to share the next chapters of my story, I remain hopeful and committed to my search. I understand the importance of such a connection in one's journey. There are feelings and potentials within us that can be unlocked and elevated only by finding the right person to share our lives with...

The final piece of this trinity is “What do you do?”.

Since I was 15, I’ve been driven to create things for myself. I never wanted to work for someone else or lead a conventional life. Despite my love for learning, I disliked school and yearned to take control of my own path, pursuing what felt right for me.

Over the years, I’ve embarked on various ventures—dropshipping businesses, music, technology, and fashion accessories (like watches). None of these pursuits brought me the success I had hoped for, and at first glance, they seemed like failures. There was a time when I began to doubt whether I was on the right path or if I was truly capable of building something meaningful.

I spent a lot of time reflecting on why the pieces of my life never seemed to fit together. Eventually, I decided to follow my heart and let it guide me. That’s when I realized why nothing seemed to work out. For all these years, I hadn’t pursued anything that I truly loved—except for music. However, I came to understand that making a living from music was challenging, so I had to pivot to finance my musical dreams. Instead, I focused on endeavors solely for financial gain, not out of genuine passion.

Don’t get me wrong; I need and want money to provide for my family. But I’ve come to realize that money should be a natural outcome of doing what you love. I told myself that the pieces would start to fall into place and the dots would connect if I pursued something I truly enjoyed. Although I loved the process and the valuable lessons learned from all my experiences, I had never fully invested myself in something that truly excited me or in which I could pour my soul.

When this realization hit me, I knew a change was necessary. And so, here I am today, building Mismir—a fashion brand that has long been close to my heart but was overshadowed by my pursuit of financial gain. Although Mismir is not yet where I envision it being, many aspects of this journey have aligned perfectly. From the support I’ve received to the connections I’ve made, the access to hard-to-obtain technology, and the manufacturers who have accepted me—everything seems to be falling into place.

I’m unsure if Mismir will be my ultimate project or the one meant for me, but what I’ve learned is that purpose is far more important, impactful, and fulfilling than money. Mismir has demonstrated that only by following my heart can I find something that excites me and brings me joy. Over the past three years, I’ve invested in Mismir without earning a dime, or having to find other ways to make a living. Yet, I’ve never given up because the purpose, passion, and love I have for this project are what keep me alive.

What I do today brings me happiness and clarity in many aspects of my life. It has opened doors to new journeys that I might never have explored if I had been guided solely by logic rather than passion. I don't know what you do or what you aspire to do, but I encourage you to pause and reflect on whether you truly love what you're doing. Consider if there is something else you would pursue for free that might bring you even greater happiness and fulfillment. If you discover such a passion, find the courage within yourself to overcome the fears holding you back and embark on that journey. You only have one life to live—don't just exist in it…

As I reflect on these three questions—where you live, who you are with, and what you do—I realize how deeply they intertwine to shape our existence. Each question uncovers a layer of our identity, influencing our happiness, growth, and fulfillment. They remind us that our environment, relationships, and pursuits are not merely background details but integral parts of our story.

So, I encourage you to take a moment to ponder these questions in your own life. Assess where you are, who surrounds you, and what you dedicate your time to. Are they in harmony with your deepest desires? If not, perhaps it's time to challenge your fears, redefine your environment, seek out those who elevate you, and pursue what truly ignites your spirit.

Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. By aligning your life with what truly resonates with you, you can transform your existence from a series of routines into a meaningful, vibrant narrative. You have the power to shape your story—don't just live it; embrace it, and let your curiosity lead you to a life of purpose and joy.

Thank you!


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