Butterfly Effect🌹

We live in an era where the world moves at the pace of technological innovation, where certain advancements are often labeled as passing trends and dismissed before they have a chance to unfold fully. If you have an interest in technology or in fields that are deeply rooted in it, you likely agree with this sentiment. Consider digital fashion, NFTs, cryptocurrencies, POAPs, and many others. While each of these could be examined individually to understand why they might be seen as passing trends today, I want to focus on POAPs (Proof of Attendance Protocols). Even within the Web 3 world, where they initially emerged with excitement as a digital evolution of how we capture and commemorate experiences, POAPs seem to have lost their initial glow for many, to the point where they are even considered “dead” by some. However, from the moment I discovered them, I have maintained my belief in their potential. I believe that POAPs are not only still relevant but are on the brink of rediscovering their true brilliance. In my view, the reason they have been perceived as dead is that we have focused too much on their technological aspects and not enough on their emotional impact. To me, they have always been a “tool” that meets our deep-seated human needs in an increasingly digital world.

To fully appreciate and value POAPs, we must look beyond the technology that powers them—the codes that make them work. The true magic of POAPs lies in their ability to bridge the gap between our physical and digital lives, redefining connections on a personal level. While it's true that, at their core, they are NFTs, tokens, or digital collectibles (or however you choose to label them), to me, they represent something more. They are tokens of human connection, memory, and identity, offering us a way to commemorate moments in a manner that is both deeply personal and in tune with current digital trends.

As humans—and I encourage you to reflect on this from your own perspective—we have always been drawn to capturing and preserving moments that matter. Whether it's collecting ticket stubs, souvenirs from our travels, postcards, or a festival bracelet, these physical objects serve as tangible reminders of experiences that have shaped us. In my view, POAPs are the digital evolution of this instinct, providing us with a new way to capture and share meaningful experiences in the digital world we now inhabit. The key difference with POAPs is that they are not just about remembering; they are also about connection. They create a bridge between the digital and physical realms, allowing us to carry a piece of our experiences with us in a way that feels both novel and deeply familiar.

Imagine a T-shirt embedded with an NFC chip that contains a POAP, ready to be claimed and distributed. This simple addition transforms the T-shirt from an ordinary piece of clothing into something more—a garment that carries a digital token, a symbol of a unique experience. It could signify that the wearer attended a specific event, met certain people, engaged with a particular brand, or any other meaningful interaction you can imagine. The T-shirt becomes something entirely different; its "fashionable" aspect becomes secondary to the deeper connection it represents. Now, consider that the same POAP is embedded in only 100 T-shirts. Would this make the T-shirt or POAP less appealing? I doubt it. In fact, I believe the garment, together with the POAP, becomes something deeply personal—a shared experience that connects people. It becomes a badge of belonging, a digital souvenir that bridges the digital and physical worlds.

Some may downplay the significance of this connection, but I believe it cannot be understated, especially in the era we live in. Today, our social lives and personal identities are more intertwined with the digital world than ever before. We need ways to document and celebrate the connections we make and the experiences we share. Whether it’s attending a concert, meeting someone special, or engaging with a brand that resonates with us, we seek something that serves as a lasting reminder of these moments. To me, that "something" is—and will increasingly become—POAPs. They are our new markers of personal stories, representing the people we've met and the experiences that have shaped us.

Belonging and identity are core aspects of the human experience, and it is in their ability to foster this sense of belonging that the true value of POAPs lies. Think about yourself, or observe the people around you. We are constantly seeking ways to express who we are and where we fit in—whether through the clothes we wear, the brands we support, the communities we join, or other forms of self-expression. In this context, POAPs offer a new form of social signaling. Just as we wear certain brands or display specific objects to communicate our identities, POAPs allow us to signal our connections and experiences in the digital realm. Moreover, they foster a sense of community, creating a shared identity among collectors—whether they are fans of a particular artist, members of a specific community, or attendees of the same event. The excitement of collecting a POAP comes from this collective experience, from the feeling of being part of something larger than oneself.

Another aspect I love about POAPs is how beautifully they blend the physical and digital worlds in a way that feels natural and meaningful. Our digital lives have become as important—if not more so for some—as our physical ones. Thus, we need something that can seamlessly integrate the two. I believe POAPs have the potential to do just that. Consider the earlier example of the chipped T-shirt: the garment instantly becomes a piece of art, a conversation starter, and a symbol of identity, all in one. While this may seem insignificant to some, I believe this marriage between the physical and digital will become increasingly relevant as people realize how much they seek ways to bridge their online and offline identities. POAPs offer the tangibility we desire to carry a piece of the digital world with us, making our digital experiences, expressions, and identities feel more real and personal.

Looking to the future, I believe there will still be a period where POAPs are met with skepticism or even regarded as dead. However, this is a natural stage that any technological advancement must go through. Some of you lived through the emergence of the internet, while others witnessed the early days of social media. You know better than those who didn't experience these eras that such innovations were initially met with doubt, only to eventually become indispensable. AI, NFTs, Blockchain technology, and POAPs are the new frontiers, much like the internet and social media once were. Although they face skepticism today, there will come a time, after sufficient experimentation, when people won’t be able to imagine life without them. Therefore, I see the current phase that POAPs are going through as a period of necessary evolution. The key to their “resurgence”, I believe, lies in making them more than just digital badges—transforming them into an integral part of how we experience, remember, and share our lives.

Moreover, for POAPs to truly shine and for the bridging between the digital and physical worlds to become more seamless and intuitive, we need technology to continue advancing. Given the rapid pace of technological progress today, I believe it won’t be long before people are unaware that what they’re distributing, collecting, or bragging about on social media is, in fact, a simple token that lives on the blockchain.

While many see POAPs as dead or just a passing fad, I remain steadfast in my belief that they are anything but. As mentioned earlier, the challenges they face today are a natural part of the process for any innovation that challenges the status quo. Yet, if we look beyond the current skepticism and focus on our fundamental human needs, it becomes clear that their potential is vast. POAPs address four core human desires: connection, belonging, identity, and memory. They are not dead but are instead in a phase of rediscovery and reinvention.

From the moment I discovered Web 3 and began exploring its intersection with the fashion world and other realms, I knew that the ways we connect and express ourselves would evolve. But when I discovered POAPs, I realized that the way we commemorate experiences would change as well. I believe POAPs will play an essential role in how we experience and remember the world around us. The future of POAPs, I believe, lies in returning to our roots—focusing less on the surface and more on the deeper elements that make us human.

Thus, I look ahead with optimism, as I believe they are just getting started, and the best is yet to come. POAPs are more than just digital tokens or certificates; they are a testament to the connections we make, the experiences we share, and the memories we hold dear. In an increasingly digital world, where we often feel less connected, POAPs offer something truly worth celebrating—a way to rekindle the human touch in our digital lives, and in doing so, they will undoubtedly find their shine once again.


Papier-mâché is a textual and visual expression of my reflections on how the media—both physical (like newspapers) and digital (TV news, social media, etc.)—overshadow our true essence. We no longer embody our authentic selves; instead, we become what they want us to be. We've become their puppets. We've become the newspaper.

While this reflection has been on my mind for a while, I felt compelled to share it publicly because I believe that one of the reasons society functions as it does today is that we allow so many external influences to guide us, thinking that’s where the light resides, only to find they lead us into darkness.

The visual manifestation of this reflection represents what many of us have become—nothing more than the newspaper. In the textual manifestation, I delve deeper into why I hold these beliefs, how I think we can fill the emptiness in our souls and other related thoughts.

Visual Manifestation

Textual Manifestation

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Have a fantastic day!


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